A plan of subdivision provides for a parcel of land to be legally divided to establish new public streets and to divide lands into two or more parcels in order to sell one or more parcels.
If you are proposing to sell individual units as condominium units in Wellesley, you must first obtain plan of condominium approval.
The Region of Waterloo has the authority to review and approve plans of subdivision and condominium for the Township of Wellesley. The region has been delegated this responsibility by the Province of Ontario under the Planning Act
mandatory pre-submission meeting
New - source water protection
Starting July 1, 2016, the policies in the Grand River Source Protection Plan apply in the Township of Wellesley and may impact the following planning applications if the property is in a vulnerable area.
- Site plan
- Committee of adjustment
- Consent applications
- Minor variance applications requiring site plan approval (note: minor variance applications that do not require site plan approval are exempt)
- Zone change/official plan amendment
- Draft plan of subdivision
- Demolition control
Check the Region of Waterloo's website: www.regionofwaterloo.ca/sourceprotection for more information about how the new policies may affect your project
Before submitting your planning application:
- Go to Region of Waterloo TAPS
- Click on "I need a document for a building permit or development application"
- Enter the property location
- Answer questions as prompted
- Follow instructions on how to proceed