Adopt a Road Program |
The Township's Adopt-a-Road program is a public program that encourages community involvement in the care and maintenance of Wellesley's roadways through regular litter clean-ups. What is the Adopt-a-Road program? The Corporation of the Township of Wellesley's (the "Township") Adopt-a-Road program is a public program that encourages community involvement in the care and maintenance of Wellesley's roadways through regular litter clean-ups. This activity encourages community stewardship and action, providing a cleaner, healthier environment for all to enjoy. Under the Adopt-a-Road program, a group agrees to adopt an approved section of Township road allowance and keep the grassed portion free of litter throughout the year. Group commitment involves a minimum of bi-annual litter clean-ups (i.e. spring and fall) for a one-year renewable term. The Adopt-a-Road group leader coordinates regular litter clean-up activities after receiving the safety training brochure. The groups efforts are recognized by Adopt-a-Road signage erected by the Township following a renewed five year term. This litter clean-up activity is appropriate for participants 12 years of age or older in good physical condition, as moderate physical activity is required such as bending, walking and lifting. Roles and Responsibilities The Township of Wellesley will:
To view the complete Township of Wellesley Adopt a Road Program Manual please contact the Public Works Department. |
Building Permit |
A Building Permit is your formal permission from the Township of Wellesley to begin construction, renovation, demolition, changes of use, and the installation, alteration, extension or repair of on-site sewage systems on your property. Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish How to fill out the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish |
Consent (Severance) |
The Township of Wellesley's committee of adjustment is appointed by Council to deal with two types of applications.
Dog Tags |
All dogs are required to have a valid dog tag for the current year. Please visit our Dog Tag Page for more details. |
Donation Request |
The Township of Wellesley recognizes the numerous benefits of various groups, organizations, volunteers and events that contribute to promoting and improving the cultural, recreational, social and economic well-being of the community. The corporate donation policy is currently under review and no applications are currently being accepted. |
Entrance Permit |
An Entrance Permit is the authorization required to install or modify access to a private property from a public road. When do I need an Entrance Permit? An entrance permit is required when a property owner wants to install or change an entrance onto a private property from a public road. This is to ensure safe access to the property and maintain existing drainage patterns. How do I apply? The applicant may apply online on the Townships website, send an email request to the Public Works Department or come into the Township office for a printed copy to be filled out. Other information may be requested in order to process the application. How much does an Entrance Permit cost? The ‘per project’ fee is payable to the Township of Wellesley prior to work commencement via cash, cheque, debit, or e-Transfer to Refer to our Fees & Charges Bylaw. How long is an Entrance Permit Valid An entrance permit is valid for six (6) months from the date of approval. If the work is not completed within that period, the applicant must reapply but will not be charged another project fee. Entrance Permit Application Form A printed or PDF Entrance Permit Application Form is available upon request. Online payments are by credit card only and a $3.25 Online Payment Convenience Fee applies per transaction. |
Kennel License |
Licensed kennel information for the Township can be obtained by calling the Animal Control Officer. |
Lottery Licensing |
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) is responsible for administering the lottery licensing program in the Province of Ontario. Municipalities and the AGCO are responsible for issuing lottery licences to eligible charitable and religious organizations.
Application ProcessThe Township of Wellesley requires a minimum of 5 business days to process all applications for lottery events licensed by the municipality. If you are applying for a lottery license for the first time in the Township of Wellesley the township requires a minimum of 10 business days to process the application. For more information on Lottery Licensing please visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. All lottery licence applications and reports can be returned to the Clerk at the Township Administration Office. |
Marriage Licence |
Marriage Licence Applications can be submitted to the Clerk's Department at the Township Office, 4639 Lobsinger Line, St. Clements. Marriage licences are valid for 90 days after they are issued. More information on applying for a marriage license is available on our marriages page. |
Minor Variance |
A minor variance can be considered when the changes to the zoning by-law regulation are considered to be minor. The Committee of Adjustment handles applications for the following:
Mobile Food Vending |
Every applicant for a Mobile Food Vending Operation permit shall complete an application and submit it to the Clerk at the Township Office, 4639 Lobsinger Line, St. Clements. Every Mobile Food Vender must be in compliance with The Township of Wellesley Mobile Food Vending By-law 6/2017. |
Municipal Consent |
Municipal Consent is the authorization required for a utility company to occupy and install new infrastructure within a specific location in the Townships right-of-way. When do I need a Municipal Consent? Municipal consent is required when new utility infrastructure is being installed within the right-of-way. Primary utilities that require a Municipal Consent are television cable, telephone, internet, natural gas, water and electricity. Contact the Township if you are unsure if you require a Municipal Consent. How do I apply? The applicant may either apply online on the Townships website, send an email request including the proposed plans for review to the Public Works department or come into the Township office for a printed copy to be filled out. Once the plans meet the approval of the Township, they will be stamped, signed and returned to the applicant. Other information may be requested in order to process the application. How much does a Municipal Consent cost? The ‘per project’ fee is payable to the Township of Wellesley prior to work commencement via cash, cheque, debit, or e-Transfer to Refer to our Fees & Charges Bylaw. How long is the Municipal Consent valid? A Municipal Consent is valid for six (6) months from the date of approval. If the work is not completed within that period, the applicant must reapply but will not be charged another project fee. A damage deposit (refundable) may be required and will be communicated to the applicant prior to permit issuance. Municipal Consent Application Form A printed or PDF Entrance Permit Application Form is available upon request. Online payments are by credit card only and a $3.25 Online Payment Convenience Fee applies per transaction. |
Official Plan Amendment |
The Official Plan is reviewed at least every 10 years to ensure that it continues to meet the changing economic, social, and environmental needs of the Township. Changes can be made through an Official Plan Amendment, which can be necessary to allow new development or redevelopment proposals. |
Open Burn Permit |
Open burns are permitted in the rural areas of the Township under strict guidelines from the fire department. Before burning the resident shall call the Fire Department and the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief or District Chief will visit the location and inspect the burn pile and what is to be burnt. The Fire Officer will issue a permit for a set amount of time or may refuse if the pile contains items not allowed to be burned. To obtain a burn permit call fire administration 519-699-3969. |
Part Lot Control |
Part Lot Control provides that part of a lot on a registered plan of subdivision cannot be transferred without the approval of the municipality. The part lot control provisions of Section 50(7) of the Planning Act, allow a municipality to pass a by-law removing or "lifting" part lot control from all or any part of a registered plan of subdivision. Such a by-law has the effect of allowing the conveyance of a portion of a lot without requiring the approval of the Committee of Adjustment, or the submission of a new plan of subdivision. Exemption from part lot control commonly occurs to allow the division of blocks for townhouses and semi-detached dwellings. In order for the boundary between dwelling units to be determined more accurately, exemption from part lot control is usually applied after construction has commenced and the building foundations have been surveyed. Exemption from part lot control cannot be used to re-align lots within existing residential plans of subdivision which will create additional building lots. |
Patio Information |
The Government of Ontario has amended Regulation 746/21 under the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 establishing a new framework for temporary outdoor physical extensions (temporary patios), which took effect on January 1, 2023 Patios intended to be used to serve alcoholic beverages may only be created or expanded if the establishment is already licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). Please review the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s website to learn more information about Temporary and Permanent Outdoor Patios. For more infromation on patio approvals please contact Chris Cook, Director of Public Works at Please ensure you review the Township Protocol and Procedures for Establishment or Expansion of Commercial Patios on Private Property prior to emailing and include in the email request the 10 items of required information as outlined in the protocols. Temporary patios are also subject to the Region of Waterloo's temporary pop-up patio guidelines. |
Plan of Subdivision/Condominium |
A plan of subdivision provides for a parcel of land to be legally divided to establish new public streets and to divide lands into two or more parcels in order to sell one or more parcels. |
Pre-Authorized Payment Plans |
Taxes may be paid automatically using our monthly pre-authorized payment plan. Payments are equalized over 12 months and funds are withdrawn on the first business day of each month. Please contact the tax department for more information. |
Pre-Submission Meeting |
A Pre-submission Meeting is strongly recommended prior to the acceptance of the following applications, unless otherwise specified by the Director of Planning:
Road Work Permit |
A Road Work permit is the authorization from the Township regulating activities that are occurring on or under municipal roads, highways, sidewalks and boulevards. When is a Road Work Permit required? A Road Work permit is required if you need to use, access or obstruct any Township right-of ways for a project or activity including but not limited to adding or disconneting utilities to a property, material or equipment storage, excavation work on a road, sidewalk or boulevard. How do I apply? The applicant may apply online on the Townships website, send an email request to the Public Works department or come into the Township office for a printed copy to be filled out. Other information may be requested in order to process the application. How much does a Road Work Permit cost? The ‘per project’ fee is payable to the Township of Wellesley prior to work commencement via cash, cheque, debit, or e-Transfer to Refer to our Fees & Charges Bylaw. A damage deposit (refundable) may be required and will be communicated to the applicant prior to permit issuance. How long is a Road Work Permit valid? A road work permit is valid for six (6) months from the date of approval. If the work is not completed within that period, the applicant must reapply but will not be charged another project fee. A printed or PDF Road Work Permit Application is available upon request. Online payments are by credit card only and a $3.25 Online Payment Convenience Fee applies per transaction. |
Site Plan Control |
The Township of Wellesley requires a site plan application if you are planning to:
Site plan applications are not required for construction of:
Special Event Permit |
The following special events application is required to be completed by the special event organizer and returned to the Township of Wellesley. Special event permit applications must be received 90 days prior to the date of the event. General Definition of a Special EventThe term "special event" is used to describe a broad range of activities planned to mark special occasions or to achieve specific social, cultural or economic objectives. The term "special event" is applied to civic, provincial, or national celebrations, cultural performances or gatherings, sports contests, fairs and festivals, and a wide range of commercial or corporate functions. A printed PDF document is available upon request. |
Vacancy Rebate Application |
Vacant units in Industrial and Commercial buildings may be eligible for the Vacancy Rebate Program for property taxes. Please see the application form for more information and details of the program. |
Zoning By-law Amendment |
You can make changes to the Zoning By-law by following the Zoning By-Law amendment process. Amendments are reviewed and considered by Council at a public meeting. A zoning amendment is typically required when a new or additional use is requested for a property and/or several lot regulations can't be complied with. |
Please contact the Township of Wellesley if you require any of these documents in an alternate format.