Candidate Financial Statement Filing |
Official Election Results |
Official 2022 Municipal and School Board Election Results |
2022 Voting Statistics |
Unofficial results will be posted on October 24 after the polls have closed at 8:00 p.m. and the last voter has cast their ballot.
Unofficial Election Results |
The Office of Regional Chair and School Board Trustees are elected by more than one municipality. The results posted below are for the Township of Wellesley only and do not reflect the total vote count. Mayor (1 to be elected)
Councillor Ward 1 (1 to be elected)
Councillor Ward 2 (1 to be elected)
Councillor Ward 3 (1 to be elected)
Councillor Ward 4 (1 to be elected)
Office of the Regional Chair (1 to be elected)
English Public School Board Trustee (1 to be elected)
English Separate School Board Trustee (2 to be elected)
French Public School Board Trustee (1 to be elected)
French Separate School Board Trustee (1 to be elected)
*Note: these results are for the Township of Wellesley only and do not reflect the results from voters in all municipalities eligible to vote for the office. |
There are two ways to vote in the 2022 Municipal and School Board Election, by internet or telephone. The Township of Wellesley is not offering paper ballot voting at any time during the voting period, but staff are available to assist in our Elections Help Centre to ensure you can successfully cast your electronic ballot. The voting period opens Friday, October 14th, 2022 at 10:00a.m. and closes Monday, October 24th, 2022 at 8:00p.m.
Voting in the 2022 Municipal and School Board Election |
The Township of Wellesley is governed by a Council of five members - a mayor and four councillors. The mayor is elected at-large while the Councillors are elected by Ward every four years. The current term of Council is from December 1, 2018 to November 14, 2022 with the next election scheduled to take place on Monday, October 24, 2022 and the new term of Council beginning November 15, 2022.
2022 Municipal and School Board Election
List of Candidates |
The nomination period for the 2022 Municipal Election closed on August 19, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. On August 22, 2022, the Clerk reviewed and certified all nominations in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and posted the Official List of Certified Candidates. Section 88.34 of the Municipal Elections Act requires the Clerk to review all contributions reported on candidates' financial statements and report on any contributions that appear to have exceeded contribution limits. The listing below shows the status of all Candidates and their contact information.
Information for Candidates |
Information for Voters |
Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) |
Woolwich Township has partnered with the Region of Waterloo, Cities of Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, and Waterloo, and the Townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley, and Wilmot to form a joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) for the term 2022-2026. The role of MECAC is to:
If an eligible voter believes a Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the election finance rules, the voter may apply for a compliance audit of the relevant campaign finances. The application must be made in writing and must set out the reasons why the voter believes the Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the rules. An application for a compliance audit must be submitted to the Township Clerk who conducted the Election within 90 days of the deadline to file the campaign financial statement. Woolwich Township has partnered with the Region of Waterloo, Cities of Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, and Waterloo, and the Townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley, and Wilmot to form a joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) for the term 2022-2026. The role of MECAC is to:
If an eligible voter believes a Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the election finance rules, the voter may apply for a compliance audit of the relevant campaign finances. The application must be made in writing and must set out the reasons why the voter believes the Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the rules. An application for a compliance audit must be submitted to the Township Clerk who conducted the Election within 90 days of the deadline to file the campaign financial statement. The Township of Wellesley has partnered with the Region of Waterloo, Cities of Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, and Waterloo, and the Townships of North Dumfries, Woolwich, and Wilmot to form a joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) for the term 2022-2026. The role of MECAC is to:
If an eligible voter believes a Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the election finance rules, the voter may apply for a compliance audit of the relevant campaign finances. The application must be made in writing and must set out the reasons why the voter believes the Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the rules. An application for a compliance audit must be submitted to the Township Clerk who conducted the Election within 90 days of the deadline to file the campaign financial statement. Woolwich Township has partnered with the Region of Waterloo, Cities of Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, and Waterloo, and the Townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley, and Wilmot to form a joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) for the term 2022-2026. The role of MECAC is to:
If an eligible voter believes a Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the election finance rules, the voter may apply for a compliance audit of the relevant campaign finances. The application must be made in writing and must set out the reasons why the voter believes the Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the rules. An application for a compliance audit must be submitted to the Township Clerk who conducted the Election within 90 days of the deadline to file the campaign financial statement. Woolwich Township has partnered with the Region of Waterloo, Cities of Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, and Waterloo, and the Townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley, and Wilmot to form a joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) for the term 2022-2026. The role of MECAC is to:
If an eligible voter believes a Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the election finance rules, the voter may apply for a compliance audit of the relevant campaign finances. The application must be made in writing and must set out the reasons why the voter believes the Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the rules. An application for a compliance audit must be submitted to the Township Clerk who conducted the Election within 90 days of the deadline to file the campaign financial statement. Woolwich Township has partnered with the Region of Waterloo, Cities of Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, and Waterloo, and the Townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley, and Wilmot to form a joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) for the term 2022-2026. The role of MECAC is to:
If an eligible voter believes a Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the election finance rules, the voter may apply for a compliance audit of the relevant campaign finances. The application must be made in writing and must set out the reasons why the voter believes the Candidate or Third Party Advertiser has contravened the rules. An application for a compliance audit must be submitted to the Township Clerk who conducted the Election within 90 days of the deadline to file the campaign financial statement. |
Historical Election Information
2018 Municipal Election |
Frequently Asked Election Questions
Who is an eligible candidate or elector? |
An eligible candidate or elector is anyone who is:
How do I register to be a candidate? |
Candidates can run for office by filing their nomination with the Clerk along with the nomination filing fee ($200 for Mayor or $100 for Councillor). Please note the following changes for nominations:
Where to file your Nomination Paper Nomination Papers will be received by the Office of the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters, 150 Frederick St. Kitchener, Ontario for the position of Regional Chair Nomination Papers will be received by the Municipal Clerk of the Township of Wellesley at the Administration Office, 4639 Lobsinger Line, St. Clements, ON N0B 2M0 for the following positions:
Nomination Papers will be received by the Municipal Clerk of the following municipalities for the position of School Board Trustee:
Why have I been asked to sign an endorsement? |
As part of the nomination filing package of a candidate for council, they must include twenty-five (25) written endorsements of nomination for their position. A person endorsing a nomination must be an eligible voter in the Township of Wellesley on the day to which the endorsement is made. |
How do I check to see if I am on the Voters List? |
Complete the Voter List Look-up and you will receive a confirmation email or be requested more information to be registered on the Voters List. |