A Strategic Plan provides a guidance document which allows Council and Staff to prepare for the future needs of the Township. The Plan gives a roadmap to the Township of Wellesley's future by showing the priorities of Council and the residents. These priorities are confirmed in the Budget and the work schedules approved by Council each year.
Over the next five years and beyond our Vision is:
.comunity - One Township of many communities. Rural by nature. Modern by design. United by technology. Empowered by best practices.
We will achieve this by:
1. Working with the communities within our Township to build common understanding and celebrate our uniqueness.
2. Working with our neighbouring Townships to seek out operating efficiencies.
3. Partnering with the world-class technical and agricultural institutions at our doorstep to enable low-impact growth via leading edge technologies.
4. Engaging regional, provincial, and federal governments, as well as industry and academic institutions, to seek out and deploy best practices in rural/urban planning and governance.
You can see the priorities set out by Council by reading the full 2019 - 2023 Strategic Plan.