Report a By-law complaint, you need to provide your name and contact information.
Purpose of By-law Enforcement
Municipal By-law Enforcement Officers look into complaints and answer questions from the public regarding Township by-laws.
By-law enforcement is used to:
- increase public awareness of the Township by-laws
- teach residents of their responsibilities and rights as property owners or tenants
- reach compliance with the Township by-laws to preserve the quality of community living which everyone is entitled to
Animal and Property By-laws
Animal Control complaints and Property Standards complaints are also investigated by our Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer.
Animal Control
The Dog Control and Kennel Bylaw deals with issues such as:
- barking dogs
- dogs off leash
- biting dogs
- poop and scoop
- prohibited animals
- licensing and Inspecting kennels
Dog Tags
All dog owners in Wellesley Township are required to buy dog tags for each of their dogs annually or within 21 days of moving into the Township. Visit our Dog Tag Page for more details.
Lost and Found Pets
Call our By-law enforcement division, 519-699-3965 during regular business hours to report any lost or found pets in the Township. By-law staff will do their best to find the owners of all lost dogs in the Township but cats and other pets should be transported to the Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo & Stratford Perth as they are outside of the authority of the Dog and Kennel By-law. Please notify the Township at 519-699-3965 if you are taking an animal to the Humane Society.
Wild Animals
We share the Township with many animals that have adapted to our urban environment. Because food and shelter are plentiful, and natural predators are limited, wildlife will continue to live near us. If we learn to share the environment and reduce problems by getting rid of sources of food and shelter on our properties, animals will make their way to a more suitable home.
We do not offer a service to deal with nuisance or injured wildlife. Residents should contact the Ministry of Natural Resources at 1-800-667-1940 for more information on how to deal with wildlife in urban areas. To find a private, local wildlife control service search "wildlife control" or "wildlife removal" on A trapper can be contacted at a cost paid for by the complainant.
Reporting a dead animal
To report a dead animal on a Township road or property, you can call 519-699-3945. Private property owners are responsible for dead animals on their property.